The Composite Chart Report
Euro 15/USA$18
Authors: Stephanie Johnson and Brian Clark
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle said this centuries ago. It still holds true, particularly when it comes to two people.
There may be just two people in a relationship, but relationships take on a life of their own. Astrologers have a technique for just such a scenario. It is called the Composite Chart and this report outlines the essence of a relationship of two people. The Composite report aims to help two individuals ignite the possibilities of their relationship. It’s also true that not every relationship is a positive one, much as this might be the wish. The Composite Chart can shed light on the true nature of each relationship.
Features include:
- A brief introduction to the concepts of Composite astrology.
- The Heart of Your Relationship —The Sun in the Houses and with Aspects,
- The Soul of Your Relationship – The Moon in the Houses, and with Aspects
- Communing and Conversing – Mercury in the Houses and with Aspects
- Love and Desires – Venus and Mars in the Houses and with Aspects
- Growth and Commitment – Jupiter and Saturn in the Houses and with Aspects
- Influences – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the Houses and with Aspects
- Destiny and Opportunities – Chiron and the Nodes in the Houses and with Aspects
25 Pages
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This report does not represent the astrological interpretation of Kesenya Moore. Whatever you chose to do with this information contained in this report is entirely up to you and at your discretion.
You have complete choice and free will with regard to how you use this information. Guiding Star Astrology and Kesenya Moore absolve all responsibility for the choices you make in your life and for the recommendations made in this report.