"My Money" Astrology Report
EURO 12.45 /USD $15
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
It has often been said that money does not bring happiness. It can ease some hardships, but does it make one happy? Can money make a person feel rich? One person can feel wealthy with very little money, while another feels poor with a great deal.
The written "My Money" Astrology Report is a unique and original report that highlights the riches inherent in a Birth Chart. It highlights some of the indicators in your horoscope that point to your inborn relationship with money. How do you feel rich? What do you need in your life that is of true worth? Also are you able to attract material wealth if it is indeed important to you?
The report includes:
- Your Money Temperament (Sun, Moon and Ascendant in Signs).
- Your Relationship with Money (Venus in Signs).
- Your Personal Income (2nd House Cusp Signs and Rulers, 2nd House Planets).
- Your Shared Income (8th House Cusp Signs and Rulers, 8th House Planets).
- Your Fortune (Part of Fortune in Signs and Houses).
20 Pages
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Please allow one week for the delivery of your report as all reports are processed manually, at this stage.
Please note: Due to the hefty fees charged by PayPal and low price point of these reports, Guiding Star does not offer the PayPal option for written reports.
This report does not represent the astrological interpretation of Kesenya Moore. Whatever you chose to do with this information contained in this report is entirely up to you and at your discretion.
You have complete choice and free will with regard to how you use this information. Guiding Star Astrology and Kesenya Moore absolve all responsibility for the choices you make in your life and for the recommendations made in this report.