Galactic Super Star Reading
Equivalent to 110Euro/130US for 1 hour Session with Joanna
This impactful reading gives Insight on the focus of the current year, draws in your overall birth purpose, and breaks down of the effects of the 7 year life period you are in.
Your birth time is needed for this reading to generate accurate results. This reading utilizes CARDS OF TRUTH year quadration, Vedic and Tajika (Persian) astrology systems.
1 hour skype session
Joanna will contact you as soon as she receives confirmation of your order. Due to the international nature of this service, please allow 1-2 days for her to personally respond to you.
You will need the date, place and an accurate birth time for a reading. You can contact the hospital where you were born for a birth time if you - or your mum - don't know it! Kinesiology is also a wonderful tool to help determine time of birth if all else fails.
Astrology is a resource that can help people from all walks of life, and frequently, we seek life answers when the going gets tough. If you would like a payment plan for this reading, please get in touch through the Contact Form to arrange.
ALL PRICES ARE IN AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS - If you are from overseas you will generally save money on our low exchange rate!
If you would like to use PayPal for your purchase simply send me an email noting the webinar you would like, and I will send you details of how to make the PayPal Payment. There will be a $10 fee for the use of PayPal to cover their fees and charges.
Gift Certificates are available for this webinar upon request - simply contact me via the Contact Form to arrange.