While there has been a lot of fatalistic predictions and doom and gloom on the astrological horizon, I have been hanging in there for the astrological change of seasons, so to speak, when #Jupiter moves into #Scorpio and #Saturn takes a trip through his home territory, #Capricorn. This shift, or new phase, cannot come quickly enough for those who have been grappling with Saturn’s intensity or Jupiter’s lack of energetic strength in its weakest sign placement.
But there is something else to hang in there for throughout the coming year, 2018. Jupiter is set to sextile #Pluto for 6 months of the upcoming monumental year. Now, ordinarily, whenever Pluto is mentioned in any kind of transit people start quivering in their boots….. let me tell you that this is NOT one of those sort of transits. When Jupiter and Pluto are in #sextile to one another, we find enormous reserves of willpower, and therefore, it is easier to succeed in fulfilling our desires. We become resourceful, and our focus and concentration are enhanced. Personal transformation flows easily and without the usual struggle that comes with shedding layers of our personal onion. Psychological cleansing, spiritual regeneration, psychic, intuitive and instinctual abilities grow exponentially. We can also expect a worldwide renewed interest in astrology, reading of omens, palmistry or oracle cards and other such occult practices. We become – as nation as well as individuals – more charismatic, and concerned with charitable opportunities and the welfare of others. It is at this time we can count on our efforts, directed towards our passions, making a big impact on our behalf. IF THIS ASPECT ALIGNS FAVOURABLEY WITH OTHER ELEMENTS IN YOUR CHART, you may find you are the recipient of sudden wealth or success – YAY! Obstacles to your freedom and joy may suddenly vanish, and you become lucky and move through life with a feeling of abundance and optimism. This transit will be active to within a 5 degree orb throughout January, February, March and April of 2018, and then again in August and September. For everyone who has been through the wringer of life over the last year, this placement of two kiss arse players in the Solar System will bring a welcome respite. Personally, I am just biding my time - #BRINGITON! ![]() ANCEINT ASTROLOGY WISDOM Astrology is the most ancient of sciences, with recognition of the stars, planets and cycles dating back to the earliest of human cultures on the earth. From its use as a cyclical calendar in early tribal cultures, through to more knowledge based advanced ancient societies, to its mutation into a hidden mystery or occult practice in the middle ages and finally the resurgence of popularity as the Aquarian age (ruler of astrology) arises, it has always been a tool in the guidance of mankind. As we look to the future in astrology, it is important to recognize that there is so much wisdom we can draw from its past incarnations in previous cultures to enlighten us on our spiritual soul journey this lifetime. If you are interested in a perspective on Astrology that incorporates astrological science and techniques with intuition, personal soul evolution, ancient esoteric understandings, theory and philosophy, then this article is for you! I am going to step through a handful of ancient cultural astrological beliefs and how they can be incorporated into our philosophical approach to astrology today. I will also mention some helpful techniques – so if you are more logically minded, hang in there, there will be something in this articlefor you too! It is important to keep in mind that not everyone approaches astrology from the same perspective – and that is OK! There are those who incorporate an intuitive, spiritual sense, and those who appreciate a more method based approach to their astrology. Please refrain from judging those who do not come at astrology from your perspective. One of the rich and beautiful offerings of astrology is the recognition that we all have a unique energetic perspective to shine (earth, air, fire or water) that will resonate with different people. EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS AND ASTOLOGICAL PRACTICE Shamanism is really the most ancient form of spiritual priest/priestess hood. Most ancient cultures had rituals and celebrations that were presided over by shamen or shawomen who functioned as mediums between the spirit world, medicine givers and healers, and the wisdom holders in their communities. These people were innately gifted in their practice – just as some are gifted with a warrior nature, others are gifted with a thinking nature, and others are gifted with a practical nature, shapeople carried gifts of feeling and intuition. Shapeople offered their profound sensitivities in service to their communities through their ‘6th sense’ and psychic abilities, their empathetic gifts, and their ability to function with more highly attuned feeling and intuition guidance. Carl Jung noted this approach in cultures untouched by western civilization, where life worked more from intuition and understanding, and western cultures functioned largely from a conquest and rational approach. Carl Jung felt there was need or capacity to incorporate and honour these elements – seen in astrological charts by the modalities of earth, fire, air and water – in the human experience. There are those who practice forms of ancient priest/priestess hood today, seeking to grow their consciousness through communion with hidden realms (spiritual, other dimensional) and use of ancient tools – tools such as dancing, drumming, music healing, energy work, chanting , dream work, attuning with nature and natural cycles, the recognition of omens and signs, and of course, understanding the language of the universe in the stars. Similarly to ancient shapeople, these practitioners today also seek to use their gifts in these areas to serve their communities and bring blessing to the world around them. BELIEFS
Interestingly, did you know that scientists calculate that 60% of stars in the universe are in binary (or more) relationship with another star – and in western cultures 60% of adults are in a couple relationship with a partner? Just an interesting correlation – as above, so below.
Jupiter maturation at age 16 indicates sexual maturity Sun maturation at age 21 indicates physical maturity Moon at age 24 indicates emotional maturity Venus at age 25 relational maturity Mars at 28 capability and life strategy Mercury at 32 skills talents and abilities Saturn at 36 philosophical maturity – how you carry your burdens and sufferings North Node at 42 – relative to its house position in your chart South Node – also relative Also, though the ancients were not aware of Uranus, modern astrology recognizes that the four quarters of Uranus in its cycle indicate the four stages of life – childhood, young adulthood, middle age, mature age. And there are many more cyclical indications in the heavens but this is a small example.
NOT FOR EVERYONE Ancient Astrology wisdom is not for everyone. It is more than a logical, calculated mathematical or ‘cookbook’ approach, as it incorporates philosophical and spiritual understanding, alongside as techniques. The words below are from a review for my amazing astrological colleague, Heather, and when I read these words they really ‘clicked’ with me, especially with regard to ancient astrological philosophy, and my own personal experience that not everyone ‘gets astrology’, and even within astro circles, not everyone ‘gets the spiritual component’. (Thank you Heather and Chriselda for permission to use this quote!) “People who only base their understanding of life in what they call “logic” ironically don’t realize that astrology is anything but LOGICAL. It is alchemical. It is the science of ALL AGES because it is rooted in (age old) truths that have been hidden, scapegoated, demonized and therefore ridiculed….” USE OF ANCIENT ASTROLOGY WISDOM When I do a reading I use astrological techniques from many sources – Western, Evolutionary, Jamini etc – but the philosophy of our connection to the earth and the sky, the cycles of the planets relating to our seasons of life, the importance of every element/sign/planet and placement, and the equality of all life experience influences what I see in the chart, stemming from my understanding Ancient Astrology principals. Ancient astrological philosophy can support our astrological practice if our intent is to empower and support others. To do so we need to ‘tune in’ to our clients with our intuition and feeling capacity, just as the ancient wisdom keepers, medicine givers, sages and tribal wise ones did for their communities. We need to understand our own and our clients life questions and journey at a soul level, in order to really be of assistance. Astrology has become my spiritual connection with God and what the Universe is communicating to humanity. I hope that by combining my understanding of wisdom theory with astrological knowledge I may bring the language of the heavens into greater clarity and understanding within your life. You can also watch the video I prepared for the Astrolada channel on this topic here I am 42 years old, and for the last two years I have felt vague and misty in the head. Like my thoughts just couldn’t process fast enough, and the mental work I used to do with ease was suddenly laborious. I honestly didn’t know what was wrong with me.
I asked my friends if they had experienced anything similar, and to my surprise, everyone started to share that yes, they had felt similar things at a similar age – both men and women! However, they each attributed their problems to various things in life, so, in the spirit of research and study, I compiled a little list of their suggestions or experiences, and began to tick off weather they applied to me or not….. this is what I found:
Hmmmm….. I was still none the wiser about this frustrating lack of mental clarity. And then one day I listened to a webinar about Neptune. Cha-ching! The penny dropped. Since 2011, Neptune has been transiting my first house. Two years ago it began to hit my ascendant degree, and has done so back and forth over and over for the whole 2 years (and will do so for a little while longer still…) Ah ha! Neptunian lack of clarity. Neptunian mistiness. Neptunian dreaminess. No wonder I have been struggling! Not only was it transiting my ascendant (a very important chart component), but, I knew it was also 90 degrees from where it had been when I was born 42 years ago – right on my mid heaven, a very strong point for Neptune! I was in my Neptune square season at the same time as it was transiting over my ascendant. Boom! The Neptune square happens for everyone at around 41-42 years of age. It is part of the 'mid-life crisis' cycles that everyone experiences - some in a harsher way than others. If the Neptune influence is strong with you, you will find yourself growing a little 'cluncky in the head', your thought processes slowing, your perception of reality becoming somewhat confused and obscured. You may question the purpose of your life, and everything you have accomplished up to this point may feel worthless ( not a pleasant process!) Neptune transits are the antidote to clarity! In a Neptune cycle, not knowing, not having all the answers, feeling confused, is exactly the intent! Give yourself permission to be empty, to not know anything, to feel the confusion of a hard Neptune transit as this creates space for new things to come flooding in. Things that Neptune has been waiting to manifest for you - waiting your whole lifetime in some cases. Confused about your job? This transit could usher in the change that takes you to your life purpose. Sick of the materialism of your life? This transit might see you pack up and head for the nearest ashram. Allowing the confusion to do what it wills in your life is really the only true way to handle a Neptune square.... don't fight it - go with the flow... even if it means heading off to a Balinese compound until it passes! I’m sure my friends were all spot on with their experiences, and I wouldn’t begin to suggest that brain fogginess was always the result of Neptune transits and squares, but for me as quite a Neptunian person, this was undoubtedly the cause. I cant believe the relief this has given me, just knowing it is a season I am going through, that it will pass and has it’s divine purpose. Neptune season - it’s all about learning to let go and let God, and that’s something I am quite prepared to do right now! Does any of this resonate with you? If so, maybe you might like to learn more about Neptune, and what it means in your own life, by taking the Astrolada All About Neptune Webinar. Click this link to order, learn and enjoy with Lada - I highly recommend it! Or would you like to know more about what Neptune is doing in your own chart? Order a reading with me by clicking this link. I look forward to walking the stars with you! Published on the 9 June 2017 By Kesenya Moore |